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Status message

Summer Public Office Hours: May 20 – August 9

During the summer months, the Office of International Affairs will observe revised hours during with the office will be open to the public:

Monday – Thursday:

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

These hours do not reflect any changes in availability for drop-ins, appointments, or other business. If you have specific needs, you may reach out or utilize the Connect page. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

US Study Abroad Contributions to the Nation

Flashing info graphics showing higher graduation rates, higher GPAs, and higher employabilityAdapted from NAFSA materials, among other outcomes, US Study Abroad contributes to the United States in the following ways. Study Abroad participants develop …

… global employment skills required for 31 million jobs across the US 1

… global engagement including enhanced language skills, whether a foreign language or stronger cross-cultural communication skills 2

… "enlightened citizenship" meaning that they are well-informed about social, political, and environmental issues, and actively seeks knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives while appreciating US culture in a global context 3

These are in addition to personal student benefits, the benefits they bring back their family and social networks, and many more.