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Summer Public Office Hours: May 20 – August 9

During the summer months, the Office of International Affairs will observe revised hours during with the office will be open to the public:

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

These hours do not reflect any changes in availability for drop-ins, appointments, or other business. If you have specific needs, you may reach out or utilize the Connect page. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

For Family and Supporters of Study Abroad Students

Nurturing the Globally Curious: Your Guide to Study Abroad at UC Merced

From UC Merced Study Abroad: Welcome!

We understand that your student pursuit of study abroad is a big decision, and we are here to provide you with all the information and support you need to make the best decisions.


We understand that the cost of studying abroad can be a concern. Rest assured, UC Merced is committed to making international experiences accessible to all. Our dedicated advisors work to help students navigate various funding options, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Additionally, a student's regular UC Merced financial aid package applies to most study abroad programs.

Quality and Opportunity

UC Merced is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence, and this extends to Study Abroad opportunities. Through the University of California name and reputation, UC Merced students can access partnerships with top-tier universities around the world that enable them to study with high-quality education institutions—including about three dozen of the top 100 ranked universities worldwide—that fit with their major and career goals. We offer a diverse range of programs and destinations, ensuring that there is an opportunity for every student, no matter their academic interests.


Student safety is our top priority. Highlighting the UC Education Abroad Program, the primary study abroad route for UC Merced students, students and their supports can rest assured that such programs have a comprehensive safety plan in place, including orientations, 24/7 emergency support, and access to local resources while continuously monitoring global events and providing real-time updates to students. Rest easy knowing that students will have the tools and knowledge they need to reduce risks and make the most of their time abroad.

Benefits of Study Abroad

Studying abroad is not just about academics; it's a life-changing experience that will shape your student's future. Here are some of the benefits they can look forward to:

  1. Cultural Immersion: Living in a different country provides a deep understanding of other cultures, fostering empathy and a global perspective.
  2. Personal Growth: Study abroad encourages independence, resilience, and adaptability. Your student will return more self-assured and ready to tackle life's challenges.
  3. Networking: Building a global network can open doors to exciting career opportunities.
  4. Language Skills: Becoming fluent in a new language is a valuable skill that can enhance future job prospects.
  5. Resume Enhancement: Employers value the skills and experiences gained through studying abroad, making your student more marketable.
  6. Global Citizenship: By exploring the world, your student will develop a sense of global responsibility and become a well-rounded global citizen.

We hope this information provides clarity and reassurance as you explore study abroad opportunities. We are here to support students and their family and supports, from choosing the right program to ensuring a rewarding and enriching experience.

Please feel free to explore our website to learn more about programs, scholarships, and the incredible experiences awaiting students. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We are excited to help all students embark on a transformative journey!