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Study Abroad Participation Timeline

For many students, early planning for study abroad is crucial to maximize both the potential academic gains and funding. Students are encouraged to connect with a Study Abroad advisor from the moment they first become interested in studying abroad, even if that is as a freshman or newly admitted student.

Application deadlines tend to land 5-10 months prior to the program start—trending earlier for popular destinations—but scholarships and academic planning often start earlier. As long as the study abroad deadline has not passed and all extension options are exhausted, it is never too late to apply, but earlier planning will help improve the chances of landing scholarships, making greater progress with degree requirements, and maybe even helping you craft your genuine story for yourself and your future job search. A good timeline for planning might look like the following:

Sample Timeline

Suggested Timing Activity
Before starting at UC Merced
2-4 semesters prior
2 semesters prior
1 semester prior
  • Receive nomination/acceptance for participation
  • Map our courses potentially to be taken abroad and obtain preliminary approval from major academic advisor
  • Apply to any later scholarship deadlines
  • Complete any pre-departure requirements (e.g. pre-departure orientations, health clearances, visas)
Term abroad
  • Collect course materials while on site (e.g. syllabi, papers, major assignments)
  • Submit course approvals to complete degree requirements
  • Communicate any changes to course plans with major academic advisor
1 semester after
Senior year
  • Practice articulating international experiences and skills into job search or graduate school applications
  • Apply for "Study Abroad" pin and graduation stoles for recognition

Every student journey is unique, but we believe early and intentional planning will help you make the most of your study abroad experience.