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Common Study Abroad Scholarships

UC Merced students consistently receive more of certain scholarships than others. Here are the top scholarships (in terms of recipients) among UC Merced students:

  1. UCEAP scholarships; these include:
    1. UCEAP Global Scholarship,
    2. Duttenhaver Scholars Program, and
    3. Additional awards
  2. Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
  3. Genelia Phillips Study Abroad Scholarship
  4. Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (Freeman-ASIA)
  5. Fund for Education Abroad

Scholarship Flyers

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Common Scholarships

Common Study Abroad scholarships

UCEAP Scholarships

UCEAP scholarships ($500-5,000)

UC Merced Scholarships

UC Merced scholarships (not specific to Study Abroad)

UCEAP Scholarship Resources

UCEAP Finding Scholarships

National scholarships not affiliated with UC

Scholarship resources not affiliated with UC