Q: Initially, what made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?
A: I had always wanted to study abroad since I was a first year undergraduate. I can clearly remember attending study abroad events hosted by OIA and feeling something pushing me to pursue an opportunity like this. The idea of being immersed in another culture while still gaining credit for my degree had great appeal to me. The program I chose was Yonsei University in Korea. I chose this program because I really wanted to explore the asian countries and found that it had some coursework in my major. Coming from an asian background, I knew the first place I wanted to visit outside of the USA would be in Asia to better explore my heritage and culture.
Q: What was the highlight of your study abroad experience?
A: The highlight of my study abroad experience was being able to explore Seoul and see the many different cultural sights. I was able to visit Gyeongbokgung Palace, the DMV, Namsan tower, and many other places. I enjoyed learning about the history of Korea and seeing how these places hold significant value. I also really enjoyed certain things about their pop culture and was able to participate in fun pop up cafes like a Sanrio themed one, which took place at Blackpink’s former house.
Q: What was your greatest challenge abroad and how did you overcome it?
A: Although the language barrier and trying to fit in was difficult, I wouldn’t say it was my greatest challenge. I was able to adapt to Korean culture and had learned basic Korean by the end of my trip. My greatest challenge abroad was trying to live a somewhat normal life with COVID-19 occurring and trying to make friends. When I had gone abroad, the majority of the Korean population were barely getting their vaccinations. Due to this, there were restrictions on how many people can go out together, what food places you could eat at, all UCEAP related field trips and internships were canceled and classes were moved online. This was hard to overcome as it was something that I had no control over, but I did my best by keeping a positive attitude. I would plan my own “field trips”, follow the restriction guidelines, and eventually I became adapted to this new lifestyle.
Q: How did your coursework abroad compare to your courses at UC Merced?
A: The coursework abroad was not very different in terms of difficulty, however the way in which grades were determined was. For instance, at UC Merced, grades are broken up into quizzes, homework, exams, and any other assignments or projects. In Korea, the majority of my grade consisted mainly of exams and maybe a quiz.
Q: What did you gain from your study abroad experience?
A: From this study abroad experience, I gained a new self-confidence as well as some new addictions (blind bags, icecream, kpop, etc). Seeing all the challenges I had to face and overcome, I feel stronger in my abilities to trust myself and preserve through uncomfortable situations. I was also able to gain new perspectives, a better understanding of different cultures, travel experience, and the ability to understand basic Korean. Since this was my first time out of the country especially during COVID-19, I learned to become more flexible and open-minded because nothing is truly guaranteed and experiences like these are rare. Overall, it’s safe to say that I gained a lot from my experience abroad!
Q: What advice do you have for students considering study abroad?
A: For students considering studying abroad, I would tell them to think about their goals, what they want out of this experience, and their budget. Don’t get too distracted with the idea that studying abroad will be all fun. There will be times when it is difficult and you might miss home, but it will be worth it. Studying abroad is an experience that not many people decide to do for numerous reasons. Don't let fear or material worries like money stop you from achieving what you want. Be bold, travel the world, and have fun! (but also be responsible and plan it out thoroughly.)
Q: Describe a typical day abroad.
A: A typical weekday abroad versus a typical weekend for me was very different. I mostly went out on the weekends and would spend weekdays studying, going to classes, and so forth. Normally, I would wake up, take a shower, and get ready for my day. Then I would attend classes online and make sure to eat a snack or small meal. Since I had taken Intensive Korean Language, which was a daily class, my coursework would end around 4 or 5pm. I would then order dinner and study until it arrived. Somedays I would cook dinner, but the majority of the days were delivery. Once dinner was over, I would relax and spend some time to myself. Sometimes after relaxing, I would go for a walk through the campus nature or go to the convenience store to get some ice cream and snacks!