Q: Initially, what made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?
A: What made me study abroad initially was seeing my friends studying abroad in Europe and Latin America. I always asked for their experience and they said they recommended it if I have the opportunity to go. I took advantage of this opportunity because I receive financial aid.
I chose my program (University of Cape Town - South Africa) because I fell in love with the nature in Cape Town and my program did provide some classes that can count towards my major.
Q: What was the highlight of your study abroad experience?
A: The highlight of my study abroad experience was joining the UCT Women's Football Club team. I joined the team because back at UC Merced I enjoyed playing intramural soccer, and I wanted to continue playing soccer during my time abroad. I was fortunate enough to be on the roster to play the final of the prestigious Coca-Cola Cup (UCT vs Spurs) and play at the Athlone Stadium. The Athlone Stadium was a stadium where the soccer teams trained for the 2010 World Cup that was held in South Africa. We won the final 2-0 and it was definitely a day to remember.
Q: What was your greatest challenge abroad and how did you overcome it?
A: My biggest challenge abroad was adjusting to the school system UCT had. I noticed that many students prefer to learn independently rather than in groups. I had to adjust to this learning style because I prefer having study groups. I overcame this by talking to my peers and asking if they would like to study together for upcoming exams.
Q: How did your coursework abroad compare to your courses at UC Merced?
A: The coursework at the University of Cape Town is more difficult that the courses at UC Merced. I felt the pace of teaching at UCT was much faster than the pace at UCM. We did have a lot of worksheets to complete, but not homework. What I liked about UCT is that each lecture is recorded, so once I was home I re-watched the lectures to fully understand the concepts.
Q: What did you gain from your study abroad experience?
A: I gained how to be more independent, organized, and more appreciative of what I have here in the U.S. Ever since the pre-departure checklist, I had to be on top of getting documents, making calls, emailing advisors, ect. I was more organized handling all the documents/paperwork needed to travel. Lastly, I gained how to be more appreciative of the small stuff like food and water. Cape Town was in a serious drought a few years ago and they still continue to advocate to use less water. I also gained to be more appreciative of the nature. Cape Town is surrounded with a lot of nature (mountains and beaches) that make its beauty stand out.
Q: What advice do you have for students considering study abroad?
A: I would advise students considering studying abroad to start early! Take time to research different programs to see what would be the best fit. Research the environment (academically and socially). Talk to your advisors, family, friends to get help/advice. Have a goal in mind before studying abroad(ex: do an internship, do research, take classes that will count towards your major, volunteer, ect.). Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions! There are a lot of questions that arise when considering to study abroad, so ask to not be stressed out!
Q: Describe a typical day for you abroad.
A: I had 8:00am classes Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so I would usually wake up around 6:40am to eat breakfast, get ready, and walk to campus (~20min walk). After my 8:00am class (Wastewater Treatment), I had a short break before my next class started, so I would go to the lantern and study or go over notes. I would then attend my Structural Analysis class and right after that attend my archaeology class. All of the lectures were 45 minutes long. I would end most days around 1:00pm. After my lectures I would go to the lantern and eat lunch, hang out with some friends on campus, and then study or work on worksheets. I would then head down to my apartment complex around 4:00pm to rest a little and get ready for soccer practice. Soccer practice would be from 5:00-7:00pm. After soccer practice I would head back home, shower, eat, and relax. I would usually call my family in the night because it would be morning for them (10-hour difference). I would sleep around 11:30 - 12:00am and repeat a similar day.