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About the UC Merced Study Abroad Interest List

Get occasional emails in your inbox to keep on top of study abroad opportunities.

Not sure, you can click the unsubscribe at any time from the bottom of any email.

What is it?
This is an email list to receive updates on study abroad announcements, deadlines, programs, scholarships, tips, and events.

What do we send?
We send emails from We use MailChimp as our email management system and its features.

For a sample, check out our archives.

How frequently will you receive email?
We group recipients into three categories, with “Normal” being the default:

  • More email: Will include all of the above and more minor announcements (e.g. study abroad workshops, info sessions, etc.).
  • Normal: Will usually include a monthly newsletter at the beginning of each month, major deadline announcements, and major event announcements.
  • Less email: Will likely result in 2-3 emails per year, with only the biggest updates and announcements included.
  • Newsletter & special announcements only: Same as “Less email,” but for staff and administrators only.

How do you change subscription preferences or unsubscribe?
There will be an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email or update your subscription preferences.