Q: What made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?
A: This was something I had always wanted to do. As a transfer student I knew my window of opportunity was limited. I began to look into programs right away. As an English major I wanted to study in the country that had produced literature masterpieces. I wanted to go back to where it all began.
Q: What was the highlight of your experience?
A: The highlight of my experience was traveling around England and Europe. I was able to interact with different cultures and learn about their history. The world is a beautiful place that has so much to teach us.
Q: What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?
A: My biggest challenge was not being surrounded by my own culture. As a Mexican-American student I found the absence of Mexican culture personally shocking. I had not realized the impact this would have on me. I joined a Latino club on campus that allowed me to meet other Latinos from around the world. Getting to interact with individuals of various backgrounds was extremely helpful. It allowed me to educate myself on foreign cultures, while also sharing my own.
Q: How were your housing accommodations abroad?
A: The University of East Anglia offered housing on and off campus. Off campus housing was still part of the university’s official dorms. My flat was located five minutes from the city center. I was able to thoroughly explore the city and enjoy their local market. It was all right outside my door.
I absolutely adored my flatmates. We were a diverse group from Australia, Germany, Greece, and Lithuania. It was a lovely experience to be able to sit down and discuss our various cultures.
Q: How did the coursework compare to UCM? What coursework did you take while abroad?
A: The majority of my grades were based off of one or two essays. That is all the coursework that was graded. Attendance was not graded, nor anything else. The responsibility was placed o me to get the most out of my education. I took an American literature course that was a lot of fun. It provided me with a different perspective on American culture and literature. I also took a European literature course that introduced me to new authors.
Q: What did you get out of your SA experience? What impact did studying abroad have on you personally?
A: While I was exploring a whole new side of the world I learned a lot about myself. I discovered that my culture is a big part of my identity. I learned to truly appreciate it.
Q: What advice would you give to a student considering SA?
A: Go for it! You never hear about someone regretting their experience abroad, but you always hear about people regretting not going. It is an unforgettable experience! It will change your perspective of the world. It is easy to travel around Europe, so its possible to neglect your host country. Make sure to explore your city, and surrounding cities to see what it has to offer.
Q: What was the most interesting cultural experience you had abroad?
A: During Easter break I went to visit family in Spain. While sightseeing I got to see an array of cultural celebrations. While I was there they were celebrating Semana Santa. This includes religious processions that take place everyday. It was mesmerizing to watch and learn the history behind it all.
Q: Describe a typical day for you abroad.
A: My classes usually started around 10am or later. I would walk from my housing accommodations to the bus stop. This was a lovely five-minute walk because it took me past the local farmer’s market. If I had extra time I would browse. My bus ride was about 15-20 minutes. After class I would go to the city library and study. It was a 10 minute walk from my flat, so I preferred this one over the university library. There were also a lot less people. Then I would head home to cook dinner with my flatmates. Weekdays were typical student life, but one weekends I would always take a trip.