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Summer in Maastrict

Harvey Kitchen and Bar, Maastricht
Olga Buzueva
Term Abroad: 
Summer 2022

Q: Initially, what made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?

A: My family and I have always loved traveling. I remember spending many of my school holidays in other countries. We would sightsee, go on guided tours, hike across various trails, learn about the history and culture. The UCEAP program gave me a chance to revisit those childhood memories while further enhancing my psychological studies. The Maastricht Summer program was well praised for its courses in psychology, so I decided it was worth trying it.

Q: What was the highlight of your study abroad experience?

A: The highlight of my experience came from the fellow participants in the program. I had the chance to meet like minded, hardworking students not only from the UC system, but from all over the country. There were even several other international students participating. It truly enhanced the experience. Everyone was warm and welcoming, and the program guides were a great support system.

Q: What was your greatest challenge abroad and how did you overcome it?

A: The greatest challenge came from the sudden independence. This was my first time being far away from my parents for such an extended period of time. For an entire six weeks, I would be completely on my own. I had to handle everything by myself. Of course, I wasn't alone in this. The other participants were a great help, and the tours of the city we received during the first week helped me get accustomed to the new location.

Q: How did your coursework abroad compare to your courses at UC Merced?

A: In Maastricht, the courses were much more hands on compared to UC Merced. The class sizes ranged from 12 to 20 people, and most of our work was based around cooperation and discussion. The small class size also allowed us to have more one-on-one time with the instructors.

Q: What did you gain from your study abroad experience?

A: I gained a greater knowledge of psychology through my studies. Being able to study the subject from a completely different perspective was an invaluable experience, as it provided me with many insights I might not have gotten if I remained in the States.

Q: What advice do you have for students considering study abroad?

A: My biggest piece of advice is to plan early and do your research. One of my biggest regrets was that I did not do a lot of traveling during my stay in Maastricht. Find places of interest near your host city, and don't be afraid to explore. At the end of the day, you won't be alone. Even if you're nervous, you'll have the support of so many others.

Q: Describe a typical day abroad.

A: I would wake up early and make breakfast. All of my classes were held in the morning, so I would then walk to the university building, which was about twenty minutes away. After classes concluded, I would walk down to the main city square and find something to eat for lunch. Maastricht had a plethora of options available. I would then return to my dorm and complete my assignments for the day. Weather was typically nice, so I would sometimes go for an afternoon walk or hang out with my friends. Once assignments were done for the day, I liked to have some time to myself to unwind.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and why?

A: I've wanted to visit Japan for a long time. It's high on the bucket list of places to visit. I'm interested in its history.