Q: Initially, what made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?
A: I decided to study abroad because I was eager for independence, I wanted a change in my life and I wanted to experience new things and challenge myself professionally, academically as well as personally. I knew that studying abroad and being away from my friends and family for a semester was going to be tough but I felt like this was something that I really needed to experience in order to grow. I will forever be grateful for my decision because I learned so much not only about myself but also about Catalonia history, cultural activities and their beautiful city of Barcelona. I chose this program because I have always been fascinated with Barcelona, ever since I can remember I have wanted to visit and see the beautiful streets of the most magical city in the world. I am happy to say it did not disappoint.
Q: What was the highlight of your study abroad experience?
A: The biggest highlight of my study abroad experience was the friendships I made and the unbreakable bonds that I was able to form with the friends that I met during the first couple of days that I landed in Spain. I would of never imagined that these people who I didn't know 6 months ago would become such an important and essential part of my life abroad and post my experience. They were the greatest support system I could of ever asked for.
Q: What was your greatest challenge abroad and how did you overcome it?
A: My greatest challenge abroad was adjusting to academic experience in Spain. Although my classes were in English, I had a really hard time adjusting to the way lectures were taught, the way the presentations were set up and most importantly the way I should take notes and take exams. I really struggled with this as I felt as if I could not focus and grasp any of the information being placed in front of me, it was a truly confusing time for me. I tried to be kind with myself, I knew that there was nothing else for me to do than to try extra hard, study as much as I could, to the best of my ability and to talk to my professors and see if they had any tips for me to do better in my courses. Never be afraid to ask for help and always be willing to adjust to changes and keep trying.
Q: How did your coursework abroad compare to your courses at UC Merced?
A: I felt like the coursework was overall less, in terms of quantity, it also wasn't too complicated to complete. I had the most trouble however, during exams or quizzes because you had to be strategic and you couldn't have the type of mindset we have here in the U.S while test taking. For example, if I got a question wrong I would get deducted points from the points I had already accumulated. This really hurt me because I was raised and taught that trying hard and making an educated guess was better than leaving the question blank. However, this was not the case in Spain. I was actually getting punished for what I thought should have helped me do a better job.
Q: What did you gain from your study abroad experience?
A: I gained lots of knowledge in geography, I learned to experience cultural shocks and different activities I would of never been able to experience in the U.S. For example, Valencia's Las Fallas festival was something so unique and so significant to the people of Valencia, this was one of the most fascinating experiences that I had the pleasure of celebrating along with my friends.
Q: What advice do you have for students considering study abroad?
A: Do it. Take the chance and apply. You will have the time of your life and it will change your life for the better.
Q: Describe a typical day abroad.
A: A typical day for me abroad would be to wake up early and make breakfast while I chat it up with my roommates before having to head to my first class of the day. I would walk to my closest metro station and navigate through the metro to get to my university campus in time for class. After my classes, if I didn't have to go into the library to study, I would go home on the bus so that I could see the city and I would eat lunch before heading back out into the city. I would have a nice relaxing day with my friends at the beach or find a nice little park and read a book. On Friday's or the weekend we would explore the night life in the city with our whole group of friends and if we weren't doing this we would book a small trip to visit a town near the city such as Tarragona, or Girona.
Q: If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and why?
A: I would go to Istanbul. Istanbul was one of the cities that I really wanted to visit while I was abroad, however I didn't have enough time to make my dream come true. I will definitely look into going at some point in my life though.