Q: Initially, what made you decide to study abroad? Why did you choose your program?
A: I wanted to experience something new. I have never traveled outside of the United States and I felt like this would be a fantastic opportunity while I continue my studies. I don't have a clear answer as to why I chose my program but I honestly would say I loved how the university looked. Furthermore, the university was also great for courses related to engineering majors.
Q: How do you think COVID-19 uniquely impacted what you learned as a study abroad student?
A: In Sweden, COVID-19 was something of the past for the most part. It had almost no impact on my experience abroad.
Q: What was the highlight of your study abroad experience?
A: The highlight of studying abroad was being able to meet people from all over the world. They ranged from people in California, Europe, Asia, and even Australia. It was great connecting with everyone and getting to know how their lives are back home as well.
Q: What was your greatest challenge abroad and how did you overcome it?
A: The greatest challenge I experienced abroad was being more independent. By independent, I mean doing things in your daily life alone. Back home, I would always have someone to do something with such as go eat, go to the gym, etc. However, upon arriving I knew nobody so I had to do everything alone for a while and it was something I wasn't familiar with. It felt odd and often times I felt lonely. To overcome this, I began reaching out to other people I met and asked to attend events together or hit the gym. One thing I realize now after my program is that it was super nice having time alone and relaxing from the fast-paced life that I was used to having back home.
Q: How did your coursework abroad compare to your courses at UC Merced?
A: The coursework was different from UC Merced. Not in the aspect that they were difficult but there were about 2-3 assignments and a final exam for the entire course. They were often group assignments as well so there was a lot of time to do other activities and study. The courses required a lot of self-study as there were no midterms or weekly assignments to help cushion your grade or keep you on your feet for learning new material. Overall, I personally prefer the coursework at UC Merced because of the constant practice that you do rather than having everything at once in a final exam.
Q: What did you gain from your study abroad experience?
A: I was able to get out of my comfort zone while abroad and it opened up many doors to meet new people and fortify my mind when faced with difficult situations. I also started to learn Swedish, again to get out of my comfort zone and continue challenging myself.
Q: What advice do you have for students considering study abroad?
A: Go study abroad with an open mind. You never know how it will be until you arrive and experience it firsthand. I had a picture of how it would be in my mind but once I got there it was something completely different. However, do involve yourself in the events hosted at the university because it's a great way to immerse yourself in student life and get a feel of the culture.
Q: Describe a typical day abroad.
A: A typical day for me abroad was waking up like 10 minutes before my class and walking to class since I lived so close. After a 2 hour lecture, I would come home and eat breakfast/lunch and relax while I wait for my next lecture (often 2-3 hours after my first one). After attending my second lecture, I would come back home and head over to the gym. After, I make dinner and sometimes hang out with friends in the common area. To end the night, I would review lecture slides and watch Netflix.
This is very simplified but the most common. There were also days when I would work on my assignments most of the day and also be at events during the day/night.
Q: If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and why?
A: I would go to Iceland. It is somewhere I wanted to go but did not get the chance to. It is a beautiful place and I would love to experience going around Iceland.